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Home Overview Windows 10 Home/Professional operating system software
Windows 10 Home/Professional operating system software
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Windows 10 Home/Professional operating system software
Windows 10 is your right assistant to complete your work. The familiar and expanded 'Start' menu can even perform tasks excellently on multiple devices in a brand new way. Designed to provide you with a seamless experience spanning different devices. Fast and sensitive.
Home Chinese Home Pro Enterprise
1 PC
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Windows 10 Home/Professional operating system software

Windows 10 Home/Professional operating system software

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Whether you are making online payments, saving network files, or surfing the internet, the security protection provided by Windows 10 ensures your security. Windows 10 has introduced new security features that make it easy to protect your computer.

Next generation Windows version

Windows 10 is designed to provide you with a seamless experience across different devices. Fast and sensitive. You can even chat with support personnel for free online or receive real-time phone support. With Windows 10, work has become easier than ever.

what the heart wishes one 's hands accomplish

Windows 10 combines the familiar Windows operating system and has made multiple improvements. InstantGo1 and other technologies allow you to quickly start and restart. Windows 10 has more built-in security features than ever before, helping you prevent malicious software intrusion.


Perform multitasking like an expert, capable of placing four windows simultaneously on the screen. Is the screen too crowded? Create a virtual desktop, gain more space, and have everything you need at your fingertips. Moreover, all your notifications and key settings are concentrated on the same screen with simple controls.

Microsoft Edge

This is a brand new browser designed to adapt the network to your work habits. Write or input directly on the webpage and share your favorites with others. Reading views can reduce interference and allow you to read in peace of mind. There is also an improved address bar to help you find the information you want faster.

Continuum mode

Windows 10 optimizes your activity and device experience, bringing you a more comfortable visual experience with the screen in front of you. The functions on the screen can be adjusted to facilitate navigation, and the application can also smoothly zoom from minimum to maximum display.

Exclusive to your system

Your Windows 10 device can recognize and confirm your identity in a truly personalized way. With Windows Hello, your device can greet you by calling your name, light up after recognition, and automatically log in for you, eliminating the need to remember or enter a password.

Games and Xbox

Play Xbox One games on your Windows 10 PC, laptop, or tablet. Use the Game DVR feature to record your cool hero moves and instantly send them to your friends without the need to exit the game.


Cortana is your true personal intelligent assistant, present on every Windows 10 device to help you complete your work. Over time, Cortana will learn more about you and become more helpful, intuitive, and user-friendly, worthy of your trust

Windows 10 Home/Professional operating system software LOGO

Official website:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows10

Download Center:https://windows-10.apsgo.cn

Backup Download:N/A

Delivery time:24-hour automatic shipping

Operating platform:Windows

Interface language:Supports Chinese interface display, with multiple languages available.

Update instructions:Support free upgrade to Windows 11.

Pre purchase trial:Free version with limited functionality before purchase.

How to receive the goods:After purchase, the activation information will be sent to the email address at the time of placing the order, and the corresponding product activation code can be viewed in the personal center, My Orders.

Number of devices:Can install 1 computer.

Replacing the computer:Uninstall the original computer and activate the new computer.

Activation guidance:To be added.

Special instructions:To be added.

reference material:https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows10

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